What is TCRN And TARN in State Bank of India?

State Bank India is India’s largest public sector bank. It has a total asset base of 3.72 Trillion Rupees. SBI provides a whole lot of services to all kind of clients and with the recent merger that was announced by SBI, its asset base grew exponentially.

Talking about TCRN, the term stands of Temporary Customer Reference Number. Today, India is going through a phase where digitization is given a lot of importance hence SBI took an initiative to eliminate the need of visiting the bank to open an account by opening an online portal for the same.

To open an account a customer can now simply log on to SBI’s website and fill in the details. Once the details are submitted, a pre-filled form can be printed and mailed to the bank. Once the form is printed, TCRN (Temporary Customer Reference Number) and TARN is generated which is like an application number for the customer.

When the TARN is generated, it is also sent to your mobile number by SMS. If you don’t have sms, you have to enter the information again and generate a new TARN.

The customer can use the TCRN to stay updated about the status of his application. Once the bank account is fully operational, TCRN gets dissolved and the customer is given an account number and a customer ID.

Hence, TCRN and TARN is nothing but just a numbers which helps customer in tracking the application for new account opening.

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