There are many reasons for which you may require to know the exact balance of your bank account immediately. In such cases, you will try to find out the different ways to get the balance information instantly. If you have an account with Union Bank of India and are wondering how to check Union Bank of India balance then read on.
There are many ways by using which you can get the required information. We are listing some of the popular ways that can help you get your bank account balance information.
यूनियन बैंक ऑफ इंडिया का अकाउंट बैलेंस ऑनलाइन जानने के तरीके:
Method 1: Using Missed Call Balance Enquiry Number
If you have registered your mobile number for mobile banking then you can use this method to know the latest account balance of your Union Bank Of India account. You need to give a missed call from your registered mobile number to 09223008586.
After a few rings your call gets disconnected and within few seconds you will get SMS with the latest account balance information. This is one of the easiest and fast methods to know your account balance instantly.
Method 2: Know account Balance by sending SMS
If you have opted services for SMS banking then you can use this method to get the balance information rapidly. You need to send SMS from your registered cell phone number to 09223008486.
Facility | SMS |
Missed Call balance Enquiry | Give Missed call to 09223008586 |
SMS Banking | SMS ‘UBAL’ to 09223008486 |
Mini Statement | SMS ‘UMNS’ to 09223008486 |
The keyword that you have to send as SMS is ‘UBAL‘. So you need to type ‘UBAL‘ and send it to ‘09223008486‘ to get the account balance information through SMS within minutes. To get a mini statement, Sms ‘UMNS‘ to the number ‘09223008486‘.
Method 3: By Calling Customer Care Toll Free Number
Union Bank of India has dedicated customer care for customer inquiries. Being a customer you can call the toll-free number of Union Bank of India – 1800222244 or 18002082244 and ask for balance in your account.
The executive will ask few questions related to your account so that he/ she can authenticate you as a genuine person to share information with. You will get the account balance information and any other information related to your account at customer care.
Method 4: Using USSD Code
You need to type *99*50# on your registered GSM mobile and place a call. It will either revert back to the multiple options and you need to choose Balance enquiry or directly display your account balance on screen. You don’t need Internet service on your mobile to perform this operation.
Method 5: Passbook Printing For Updated Statement
Visit your Union Bank of India branch and ask the help desk executive to update your passbook. It may take few minutes for updating process and you will get the get all the debits and credits to your account printed on your passbook. You will also get the current balance details printed on your passbook.
Apart from the above methods, you can also go for Internet banking service offered by Union Bank Of India. If you have user id and password for your Internet banking then you can easily login to your account and get the balance information within seconds. You can also visit your nearest ATM or download the mobile app to get the balance information immediately.
We hope that now you know how to check Union Bank of India balance instantly. For other banks balance enquiry numbers visit:
This post was last modified on Jun 9, 2018 12:11 pm
View Comments (25)
Union bank customer service and SMS Banking service is not working properly.
If I add beneficiary, all step complete but in last submit is not done. what to do
Pathetic customer service of Union Bank of India none of the executives are updated with the knowledge they give irrelevant answers ...
I want to download the union bank of India balance check app.
I do not get my deposit balance SMS on my mobile.
union banks missed call service or SMS banking are very slow, if you drop the msg today, you will get the reply tomorrow, it happens with me always.
I can't get any information about my balance enquiry, mini statement, pls once check my mobile number, I want to the mini statement of my account. pls, forward to my mail id.
Your balance inquiry number is not working.
Your miss call number is working. Good.
balance enquiry number is not working.
**Bank Balance Inquiry or Bank Balance Checker app without internet helps you to know your bank balance via SMS**
you can simply download the android app from google play store.