Do you use a Citibank Credit Card? Credit card’s usage is randomly expanding. It has brought several convenient ways of making payments or transactions. With a credit card, you need not get worried about any emergency expenses.
People using the credit card wisely would never underestimate it. How do you make the payment of the outstanding amount of the credit card? Indeed there are many ways of making payment for credit card’s outstanding amount.
What if you realize, it is the last day to make the Citibank Credit Card bill payment? If you opt for the traditional options of making payment, you may not be able to clear the payment. There is a simple method of making the payment faster without any hassles!
If you don’t have a Citibank account, you need not worry about making a quick payment. Non-Citibank account holders can also make easy payments by Credit Card. You can make the payment using NEFT from the Non-Citibank account.
To initiate the payment, you will require to enter payee name, payee account number, ifsc code and branch address. Enter the credit card holder name in payee name, credit card number in payee account number and other details are given below:
Citibank Credit Card IFSC Code: CITI0000003
Branch Address : CHENNAI
Important note: Customers living in any City can make a payment using Chennai ifsc code and Chennai as a branch address.
Follow the steps to make payment using Citibank credit Card IFSC Code
- First of all, log in to the online banking account and fill up the details of the payee.
- Enter the credit card number in the provided box for Payee account number.
- You need to enter the name as printed on the card.
- Select the payment account type.
- Enter the credit card IFSC Code CITI0000003 and Chennai as a branch address.
- Enter the outstanding billing amount for the credit card.
- Confirm the transaction for making payment successfully.
Make sure to make the payment before 5:30 PM on the working hours. The payment will get credited on the same day. You can make the payment in the last hours if you realized it in the last hours and you don’t have any other option. It is a fast, reliable and secure way.