What Is A Maiden Name In The Bank Application Form?

The safety and interest that one receives over saving in an Indian bank make Indian banks renowned. Almost every person who resides in any part of India must have a bank account. Nowadays, even people under the age of 18 have a bank account. Customers receive different benefits and services from different Indian banks.

A person looking to open a bank account, irrespective of the bank, has to fill up the bank application form. A bank application form is a simple form that requires you to fill in personal details about yourself and some other essential information. They also require you to provide some documents like id proof, adhaar card, pan card, etc.

Talking about the different fields that one has to fill up in the bank application form, there comes the maiden name field.

What Is The Maiden Name in Bank Application Form?

A field named maiden names the fields where you enter your name, your father’s, or your mother’s name. This maiden name refers to the last name that you ar any of your family used earlier.

In Indian, women tend to change their last name after marriage, so for identity check reason, it is crucial that they enter their maiden name as well. This is because, on the birth certificate, school and college certificates, etc., the maiden is stated, not the name you choose after marriage. It is crucial for identity checks and sometimes recovering your bank details if you have forgotten something.

Most of the time, maiden names are present on voter id and adhaar card, and people changed their name after creating them.


Having a bank account means assuring the safety of your money. Maiden name is a field in the bank application form that is crucial for people who change their last name.

View Comments (21)

  • I forget my mother’s median name. Plz, activate my phone banking using Kotak app.
    Thank you.

  • I forget my mother’s maiden name and forget mpin I can’t change mpin and I can’t log in to my account what can I do please any advice?

    • Please I forgot my mother maiden name so kindly help us and activate my account
      Thank you

  • I forget my mother's maiden name and forget mpin I can't change mpin and I can't log in to my account what can I do please any advice

  • I forget my mother's maiden name, wanted to activate my phone banking using Kotak's app
    Thank you in advance

  • Ye kya hi bro mother's maiden name. We don't know that and we didn't understand what is that. I opened the account two days ago but it's not opening because of that reason only. And there are three attempts in a day how is it possible. Daily life is filled with so much tension, in this tension this is the one tension newly added. What is this....?