State Bank of Mysore FD Interest Rates

State Bank of Mysore is a public sector bank and a subsidiary of State Bank of India. It offers a diverse range of banking services to its customers, including fixed deposit schemes at competitive interest rates and of different tenures, so that they have the flexibility to pick the one which suits their needs. These interest rates keep changing subject to the internal policies and the prevailing market rates.

State Bank of Mysore Short Term Fixed Deposit Rates

State Bank of Mysore offers an interest rate of 5.75% on short term fixed deposits, with tenure ranging between 30, 60 and 90 days. This attractive interest rate and short tenure make the deposits a great option for investors looking for easy liquidity along with the high return. The 120 da, as well as 6-month scheme,e get a high-interest rate of 6.25% while that for a 9 month fixed deposit is 6.40%.

State Bank of Mysore Medium and Long Term Fixed Deposit Rates

The interest rate of fixed deposits of tenure of 1 to 3 years is around 6.80%, while that on the tenure of 4 to 5 years is marginally lower at 6.80% so that it remains at par with that offered by other leading banks of the country.

In case of senior citizens, an additional 0.50% on FDs is offered over and above the regular rate of interest and this applies to deposits of tenure between 6 months and 5 years. The interest rate for short term FDs, however, remains the same for senior citizens too. Below interest rates are effective from 28 November 2018.

SBI Fixed Deposit Interest Rates For Retail Domestic Term Deposits ( Revised 28 November 2018):

Interest Rate
(% per annum)
Senior Citizen Rates
(% per annum)
Interest Rate
(% per annum)
Senior Citizen Rates
(% per annum)
7 Days to 14 Days 5.75% 6.25% 5.75% 6.25%
15 Days to 30 Days 5.75% 6.25% 5.75% 6.25%
31 Days to 45 Days 5.75% 6.25% 5.75% 6.25%
46 Days to 60 Days 6.25% 6.75% 6.25% 6.75%
61 Days to 90 Days 6.25% 6.75% 6.25% 6.75%
91 Days to 180 Days 6.25% 6.75% 6.25% 6.75%
181 Days to 210 days 6.35% 6.85% 6.35% 6.85%
211 Days to 1 year 6.40% 6.90% 6.40% 6.90%
1 Year to 2 years 6.80% 7.30% 6.70% 7.20%
2 Years to 3 Years 6.80% 7.30% 6.75% 7.25%
3 Years to 5 Years 6.80% 7.30% 6.80% 7.30%
5 Years to 10 Years 6.85% 7.35% 6.85% 6.35%

Sbi Fixed Deposit Interest Rates Above ’10 Crore’ ( Revised 30 July 2018):

Maturity Period  Interest Rate

(% p.a.)

Interest Rate for Senior Citizen

(% p.a.)

7 days to 45 days 5.75% 6.25%
45 days to 180 days 6.25% 6.75%
180 days to 210 days 6.35% 6.85%
210 days – 1 year 6.40% 6.90%
1 year – 455 days 6.70% 7.20%
455 days – 2 years 6.70% 7.20%
2 years to 3 years 6.75% 7.25%
3 years to 5 years 6.80% 7.30%
5 years to 8 years 6.85% 7.35%
5 years to 10 years 6.85% 7.35%

SBI NRO Fixed Deposit Rates ( Revised 28 November 2018) :

Time Period Below 1 Crore (% p. a.) Above 1-10 Crore (% p.a) Above 10 Crore (% p.a)
7 days to 45 Days 5.75% 5.75% 5.75%
46 days to 60 Days 6.25% 6.25% 6.25%
61 days to 179 Days 6.25% 6.25% 6.25%
180 days to 210 Days 6.35% 6.35% 6.35%
211 Days – 1 Year 6.40% 6.40% 6.40%
1 Year – 455 Days 6.80% 6.70% 6.70%
456 Days – 2 years 6.80% 6.70% 6.70%
2 years to 5 years 6.80% 6.80% 6.80%
5 years to 10 years 6.85% 6.85% 6.85%

SBI NRE Fixed Deposit rates ( Revised 28 November 2018) :

Time Period  Below 1 crore (% p.a.) Above 1-10 Crore (% p.a.) Above 10 Crore (% p.a.)
1 Year – 455 Days 6.80% 6.70% 6.70%
456 Days – 2 Years 6.80% 6.70% 6.70%
2 years to 3 Years 6.80% 6.70% 6.75%
3 years to 5 Years 6.80% 6.80% 6.80%
5 years to 10 Years 6.85% 6.85% 6.85%

Important Notes:

  • Senior Citizens will be eligible for 0.50% extra interest on all deposits.
  • 6.25% interest rate will be given under SBM tax saver deposits.
  • No interest will be paid for withdrawing money before 1 year in case of NRE deposits.