Tamilnad Mercantile Bank (तमिलनाड मर्केन्टाइल बैंक) is one of the oldest banks in the private banking sector of India. The bank has around 507 branches and over 1095 ATMs. The bank is expanding its reach offering convenient banking services and facilities to its customers.
The bank aims to satisfy its customers bringing different banking facilities to their fingertips. Missed call services is an excellent initiative in the banking sector of India. TMB Bank embraced the advanced banking service and brought easy options to make the balance Enquiry.
If you have an account with TMB Bank, you need not visit the branch or ATM to make the balance inquiry. You need not even access internet banking and waste time for getting updated info of the account balance. Give a missed call to a dedicated number and get the balance update of your account instantly.
Dial a number and get instant Tmb Account balance info
- 09211937373 is the dedicated missed call number introduced by TMB Bank for balance inquiry. Dial 09211937373 from your registered mobile number and give a missed call to the number. The call will also get disconnected automatically after few rings.
- Within few minutes you will receive an SMS. The SMS contains detailed info about the available balance in the bank account. You can access the missed call services round the clock from any location.
- Giving a missed call is the easiest way to get balance update. To access the service, you need not pay any extra charge either to the bank or the network operator.
Missed call service is a convenient option with instant action for making the balance Enquiry. You just need to dial the toll free number from your registered mobile number. If you haven’t registered the mobile number, get it done as soon as possible.
The mobile number would get linked to the bank account, and you can avail the related services even though you don’t have an internet connection.
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